Thursday, November 28, 2019

Js Mill Essays - Classical Liberalism, Libertarian Theory, Rights

Js Mill John Locke believes that man ought to have more freedom in political society than John Stuart Mill does. John Locke's The Second Treatise of Government and John Stuart Mill's On Liberty are influential and potent literary works which while outlining the conceptual framework of each thinkers ideal state present two divergent visions of the very nature of man and his freedom. John Locke and John Stuart Mill have different views regarding how much freedom man ought to have in political society because they have different views regarding man's basic potential for inherently good or evil behavior, as well as the ends or purpose of political societies. In order to examine how each thinker views man and the freedom he ought to have in political society it is necessary to define freedom or liberty from each philosophers perspective. In The Second Treatise of Government, John Locke states his belief that all men exist in a state of perfect freedom to order their actions and dispose of their possessions and person as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature, without asking leave or depending upon the will of any other man. (Locke 4) Locke believes that man exists in a state of nature and thus exists in a state of uncontrollable liberty which has only the law of nature to restrict it, which is reason. (Locke 5) However Locke does state that man does not have the license to destroy himself or any other creature in his possession unless a legitimate purpose requires it. Locke emphasizes the ability and opportunity to own and profit from property as being necessary to be free. In On Liberty John Stuart Mill defines liberty in relation to three spheres; each successive sphere progressively encompasses and defines more elements relating to political society. The first sphere consists of the individuals inward domain of consciousness; demanding liberty of conscious in the most comprehensive sense; liberty of thought and feeling; absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on all subjects, practical or speculative, scientific, moral, or theological. (Mill 13) The second sphere of Mill's definition encompasses the general freedoms which allow an individual to freely peruse a to suit our own character; of doing as we like... (Mill 13). Mill also states that these freedoms must not be interfered with by fellow creatures, so long as what we do does not harm them... (Mill 13), no matter how odd, offensive and or immoral they may seem to others. The final sphere of Mill's definition of liberty is a combination of the first two. He states that ...the freedom to unite, for any purpose not involving harm to others: the persons combining being supposed to be of full age, and not forced and or deceived. (Mill 14) Locke and Mill's definitions of freedom must be qualified. Since the definitions they present in their respective literature are distinct from one another, when each philosopher refers to freedom or liberty they are not citing the same concept. This distinction is necessary when comparing their positions regarding the amount of freedom man should have in a political society. What one philosopher considers an overt an perverse abuse of liberty the other may consider the action completely legitimate and justifiable. John Locke believes that men should be virtually unrestricted and free in political society. Locke's rational for this liberal position lies in the twin foundation of man's naturally good inclinations and the specific and limited ends Locke believes political societies ought to have. According to Locke the only freedoms men should lose when entering into a political society are equality, liberty and executive power they has in the state of nature into the hands of society. (Locke 73) In Locke's ideal society this fails to limit or remove any freedom from the individual, it only removes the responsibility of protecting these freedoms from the individual and places it on the state. John Stuart Mill believes that man's should be strictly limited in political society. Mill differs from Locke in the basic principle that individual who enjoy the benefits of living in political societies owe a return for the protection society offers. Mill believes for society to function properly conduct of

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pronounce the Spanish R

Pronounce the Spanish R The Spanish letter R is easy to pronounce but is often mispronounced by English speakers. Here are some tips for getting it right. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 10 minutes Heres How: Keep in mind that there are two R sounds in Spanish: the single R sound and the double R (or RR) sound.Keep in mind that the single R sound is used whenever the single R appears in a word, except when its at the beginning of a word or after an L, N or S, when the RR sound is used.Keep in mind that the Spanish R doesnt have the distinctive R sound of English. Think of it as a separate letter entirely.Remember that the single R is pronounced with a single flap of the tongue against the roof of mouth.Say these words rapidly as you would if they were English words, and with the accent on the first syllable: peddo, pahdah, cahdah.Congratulate yourself. You have approximately pronounced the Spanish words pero (but), para (for) and cara (face).Note similarly that in English many words that have T or TT between vowels have the same sound, which is different than the T in today. Examples are cattle, bitter and attic.Practice using the same sound in other positions. For example, to say primo ( cousin), rapidly say pdee-mo, but pronounce the d by hitting your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Again congratulate yourself. Youre on your way to learning this sound.You can hear the r pronounced by native speakers in our audio lesson on pronouncing the r . Words spoken in that lesson are pero (but), caro (expensive), primo (cousin), tres (three), seà ±or (Mr.) and hablar (to speak).You can also get advice from readers on pronouncing the r. Tips: Try to imitate the sound of the R as it is pronounced by native speakers.Dont even be tempted to pronounce the R as it is pronounced in English.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Darwin and Evolution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Darwin and Evolution - Assignment Example Prior to Darwin, though some naturalists had speculated about modification of species, they failed to explain why and how species change. They also believed that evolution began with the special creation of only a fixed number of species. Partly influenced by Thomas Malthus' essay on the Principle of Population and stimulated by a letter from Alfred Russel Wallace, in 1859 Charles Darwin discussed in detail the evolution of species through natural selection in his famous work titled On the Origin of Species, which totally revolutionized the previous concepts of evolutionary biology. Natural selection refers to a process in which species compete and struggle for their survival according to the limited resources and conditions of their natural environment with different adaptive abilities. As individuals in a population are not same due to difference in inherited characteristics, nature only selects those individuals that are best suited to the environmental conditions, and thus rest o f the population dies over time. As all the offspring in a population acquire characteristics from their ancestors, produced more than nature can support and have different reproductive characteristics, only those organisms will survive that are better adapted to the living conditions. This means that organisms with higher reproduction ability will remain due to higher probability of their descendants to survive, and other will eventually become extinct due to less survival rate of their offspring with the passage of time. Since environmental conditions are different from place to place, there will be variation in characteristics of species at different locations. Darwin concluded that populations extending over large areas or through migration might have been isolated resulting in variation of their characteristics according to varying environments. Over long periods of time, they may have diverged or evolved into separate species different from each other. For instance, Darwin fou nd that finches he observed on the Galapagos Islands were similar to one another than they were to finches of the mainland. He also noticed that some varieties were only existent on the archipelago islands. So, he proposed that all species might have descended from a common ancestor and increase in number of species occurred through evolutionary natural selection over time rather than special creation. Question Two Darwin and other naturalists believed that variations among individuals of a species were due to mixing of traits from both male and the female. He was not aware of the heredity mechanism and different traits were regarded to be the result of blending of characteristics through generations over time. However, the concept of blending inheritance failed to describe the survival of variety as they descended through generations with time. It also failed to describe the maintenance of specific characteristics in varieties and that how new species would emerge through blending. It was 1866, when Gregor Mendel published his experimental findings on garden peas. To experiment with pure seeds, he selected a self pollinating plant. He experimented with garden peas that were different from each other in many characteristics such as their flowers were either red or white, had green or yellow seeds, and tall or dwarf. After cross-breeding generations having different characteristics, he observed that descendants from each cross possessed characteristics of only one of the parents and blending did not happen. Mendel concluded that instead of blending of certain fluids, heredity from parents was passed on to offspring through independent discrete units, particles or factoren, which were later termed as genes. The characteristic that appeared in a descendant after cross breeding was termed

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assignment on Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment on Criminal Justice - Essay Example This paper focuses on the Drug Enforcement Administration (hereinafter, DEA) which works under the ambit of the Department of Justice and whose sole responsibility is the enforcement of drug control laws. It is the only federal law enforcement agency with drug control as the only mandate. Why was the DEA created in the first place? The DEA was created in 1973 when the realization came that effective drug control meant not only controlling the demand side, e.g.. criminalization of drug possession and rehabilitation of offenders, but also by controlling the supply. In an effort to streamline the bureaucracy, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) and the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (BDAC) were abolished and the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), which was working under the Department of Justice, had enforcement responsibility over drug laws. The Office for Drug Abuse and Law Enforcement (ODALE) and Office of National Narcotic Intelligence (ONNI) were then created to assist in the enforcement of drug laws both at the national and local levels. ... The FBN continued its mandate until a report by the Katzenbach Commission found that, among other things, the enforcement staff in drug control had to be increased and the bureaucracy streamlined. Drug enforcement then became under the Department of Justice and the DEA was created. Lyman (2011), in describing the overall philosophy of the DEA describes it as follows: â€Å"to eliminate drugs as close to their sources as possible and to disrupt the drug trafficking system by identifying, arresting and prosecuting traffickers.† (page 329). Intelligence work is a big part of the tasks of DEA agents, who regularly monitor and conduct surveillance operations on the transportation of drugs into American shores. There is intense pressure to kick the drug problem and resultant from this, â€Å"drug enforcement is commanding a growing share of local police, prosecution and correction resources.† (Kleiman and Smith, 1990: 69). A theory being propounded is that the concentration o f police force in drug enforcement is causing a rise in the spate of crime and that is a constant criticism that the law enforcement sector of the country has to faced. Whilst the DEA is doing its utmost to ensure that it performs its duties efficiently and with judicious use of resources, it also cannot be denied that the drug cartels and the crime syndicates are getting wiser and more able to get around the law. Hence, innovation is an important ingredient in enforcement of anti-drug laws. It must also be understood that policing supply of drugs and curbing demand cannot be seen as independent variables. They must work together. There is growing evidence to the effect that effective drug enforcement increases the price of drugs in the market and suppress use (Caulkins

Monday, November 18, 2019

Issues in International trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Issues in International trade - Essay Example They include consultancy and tourism among others. A product sold in the international market is an export while a product bought from the same market is an import. Trade issues often dominate and are a continuing theme in the international market. The issues include NAFTA, embargoes, sanctions, and the environment, trade deficits, The Euro, tariffs and WTO among others. Some of the issues are discussed as follows: A reduction in trade barriers allowing for integrated global economies and permitting international trade will affect the environment through the expansion of economic activities. It alters the composition and make-up of economic activity by bringing about a change in the techniques and means of production. The course of consideration and for environmental protection was raised by environmental groups on the potential North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This was just the first of a far cry to other voices opposing international or regional trade on the possible effects it may have on the environment. It is seen that an increase in international trade is detrimental to the objective of preserving a clean, healthy and sustainable global environment. It has been argued that any expansion of market to a global scale, ultimately leads to the environmental pollution and faster depletion of natural resources. These natural resources are scarce in nature. For example, international trade of coal has made it easier for countries to acquire it for economic activities. Coal has been known as a leading environmental pollutant. International trade has facilitated the growth of industries whose primary objective is the export of goods to the international market. For example, the United States has promoted several of such agreements such as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the NAFTA. These agreements have led to the rapid growth of industries that have little government oversight and control. These

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Conservation Of Momentum Environmental Sciences Essay

The Conservation Of Momentum Environmental Sciences Essay The conservation of momentum was shown in three types of collisions, elastic, inelastic and explosive. By getting mass and velocities for two carts during the collision the change in momentum and kinetic energy was found. In an elastic collision of equal massess ΔP = Pf-Pi =-8.595 and ΔKE = KEf-Kei = -4.762. In an inelastic collision of equal massess ΔP = -12.989 and ΔKE = -43.14. In an explosive collision of equal massess ΔP = -448.038 and ΔKE = -118.211. This shows that conservation of momentum is conserved in elastic and inelastic equations due to their very low change in momentum; however kinetic energy is conserved in the elastic collision but not in the inelastic collision. In an explosive collision momentum is not conserved since the two objects start at rest with no momentum and gain momentum once moving opposite. Introduction Just like Newtons laws, the conservation of momentum is a fundamental principal in physics that is integral in daily life. However unlike Newtons laws, the conservation of momentum does not seem to be entirely intuitive. If a ball is thrown in the air some momentum seems to be loss to the air. This makes proving the conservation of momentum tricky and difficult to do in a real life setting. To measure the conservation of momentum in the lab, two carts will be used along a frictionless track. This allows calculation to be easier since the vectors will be moving along only one axis. This way positive direction can be movement to the right while negative direction can be movement to the left. One cart will have a plunger which is ejected by a spring that will convert its potential energy to kinetic energy of the cart. This will knock the other cart and its momentum will be transferred either partially or entirely. These velocities of the two carts will be measured by a graphing device. This is shown in diagram 1. Diagram 1. Momentum is produced by mass and velocity, in other words: p = mv. It is important to point out that momentum is not conserved on an object by object basis, however it is conserved for the isolated system. This is shown in the equation: Psystem = P1 + P2. Therefore if momentum is conserved then the initial momentum of the entire system should equal the final momentum of the entire system. Thus this can be shown in the equation where: Psystem, initial = Psystem, final M1 X V1i + M2 X V2i = M1 X V1f + M2 X V2f In the lab collisions will be shown to illustrate the conservation of momentum. In elastic collisions energy is always conserved. Unfortunately for this lab kinetic energy can be converted into heat so that energy is lost to viable measurements. If the energy is conserved, the collision is considered to be elastic, but if the energy is not conserved, then the collision is considered inelastic. Kinetic energy is energy associated with motion where an object with mass and moving with a certain velocity the equation is: KE = Â ½ m |v|2 This allows to find the loss or gain in energy of a system much like for momentum where the change in kinetic energy of a system is determined by the equation: ΔKESYS = KEsys,final KEsys,intial For the two collisions stated earlier if ΔKESYS is equal to zero the collision is considered elastic, however if ΔKESYS does not equal zero then the collision is considered inelastic. There is also another type of collision that will be determined in this lab called an explosive collision. This can be considered the opposite of an inelastic collision since the energy is not conserved because the kinetic energy is transformed for potential energy to kinetic energy. These three types of collisions will be measured in the lab under differing conditions and the change in momentum and kinetic energy of the system will be calculated. Procedure In the lab the momentum and kinetic energy will be calculated by measuring different velocities for the two carts at different masses. Two carts will be set along a frictionless track. As stated earlier this allows for easier calculations since it allows working only in one dimension. One of the carts used has a plunger while the other car is just a regular car. Both carts have different sides which will allow the emulation of the different collision types. For and elastic collision the plunger cart will be placed against the side of the ramp and then set off by a small piece of wood. It will the knock the other cart and emulate a elastic collision because the carts have magnets facing each other that will help conserve energy and momentum by having the opposite sides face each other. Having magnets of opposite charge face each other help keep the collision elastic since major contact between the two carts can convert kinetic energy into heat and will be lost. This will be done in three different ways, first having equal mass carts, second having the plunger cart heavier than the regular cart, and lastly by having the plunger cart lighter than the regular cart. The velocities for these carts will be measured for the different variable for six different trails and averaged. For the inelastic the set up will be identical except to emulate this collision the carts will have Velcro sides that will be facing each other and cause the carts to stick together once they hit each other. This will be done in three different ways similar to the elastic collision, first having equal mass carts, second having the plunger cart heavier than the regular cart, and lastly by having the plunger cart lighter than the regular cart. The velocities for these carts will be measured for the different variable for six different trails and averaged also. For the explosive collision the two carts will be sitting next to each other. The plunger car will have its plunger faced toward the adjacent regular car so when the button is pressed the will move away from each other in opposite directions. This will only be done in two different ways, one way having the carts equal in mass and one ways have one cart heavier than the other cart. The velocities for these carts will be measured for the different variable for six different trails and averaged as well. Results Table 1. Elastic Collision Data Elastic Equal Mass regular car (g) 506.2 plunger car (g) 503.3 v1 (m/2) v1f (m/s) v2f (m/s) Pi = m1vi1+ m2 vi2 Pf = m1vf1 + m2 vf2 Kei = .5m1vi1 + .v5m2vi2 Kef= .5m1vf1 + .v5m2vf2 0.5 0 0.483 251.65 244.4946 62.9125 59.04545 0.494 0 0.482 248.6302 243.9884 61.41166 58.8012 0.574 0 0.505 288.8942 255.631 82.91264 64.54683 0.422 0 0.405 212.3926 205.011 44.81484 41.51473 ΔP = Pf-Pi 0.482 0 0.496 242.5906 251.0752 58.46433 62.26665 -8.595433333 0.516 0 0.498 259.7028 252.0876 67.00332 62.76981 ΔKE = KEf-KEi average 250.6434 242.048 62.91988 58.15744 -4.762437183 Elastic Heavy Int. regular car (g) 506.2 plunger car (g) 1000.9 v1 (m/2) v1f (m/s) v2f (m/s) Pi = m1vi1+ m2 vi2 Pf = m1vf1 + m2 vf2 Kei = .5m1vi1 + .v5m2vi2 Kef= .5m1vf1 + .v5m2vf2 0.412 0 0.501 294.3059 237.5554 84.94838 63.52835 0.502 0 0.59 310.6885 245.6916 126.1154 88.10411 0.321 0 0.466 324.3081 244.3456 51.56687 54.96218 0.462 0 0.544 337.2292 242.4102 106.818 74.9014 ΔP = Pf-Pi 0.51 0 0.602 354.5463 242.5007 130.167 91.72445 -81.71491849 0.486 0 0.52 324.2156 242.5007 118.2043 68.43824 ΔKE = KEf-KEi average 324.2156 242.5007 102.97 73.60979 -29.36021623 Elastic Light Int. regular car (g) 1003.8 plunger car (g) 503.3 v1 (m/2) v1f (m/s) v2f (m/s) Pi = m1vi1+ m2 vi2 Pf = m1vf1 + m2 vf2 Kei = .5m1vi1 + .v5m2vi2 Kef= .5m1vf1 + .v5m2vf2 0.563 0 0.309 468.8014 310.1742 79.76525 47.92191 0.396 0 0.243 495.1158 243.9234 39.46275 29.63669 0.697 0 0.351 523.2297 352.3338 122.2538 61.83458 0.554 0 0.296 563.0325 297.1248 77.23541 43.97447 ΔP = Pf-Pi 0.596 0 0.343 610.7959 344.3034 89.39011 59.04803 -227.7090311 0.493 0 0.278 532.195 279.0564 61.16328 38.78884 ΔKE = KEf-KEi average 532.195 304.486 78.21177 46.86742 -31.34434946 For the elastic collision with equal masses the change in momentum and kinetic energy is every small. Where as in the other two methods the change in momentum is much larger since the masses where different then the change in kinetic energy. Table 2. Inelastic Collision Data Inelastic Equal Mass regular car (g) 506.2 plunger car (g) 503.3 v1 (m/2) v1f (m/s) v2f (m/s) Pi = m1vi1+ m2 vi2 Pf = m1vf1 + m2 vf2 Kei = .5m1vi1 + .v5m2vi2 Kef= .5m1vf1 + .v5m2vf2 0.622 0.292 0.297 313.0526 297.305 97.35936 43.78238 0.481 0.242 0.243 242.0873 244.8052 58.222 29.68293 0.619 0.289 0.289 311.5427 291.7455 96.42247 42.15722 0.602 0.276 0.274 302.9866 277.6096 91.19897 38.17143 ΔP = Pf-Pi 0.51 0.236 0.237 256.683 238.7482 65.45417 28.23227 -12.98885 0.502 0.248 0.249 252.6566 250.8622 63.41681 31.16993 ΔKE = KEf-KEi average 279.8348 266.846 78.67896 35.5327 -43.14626406 Inelastic Heavy Int. regular car (g) 506.2 plunger car (g) 1000.9 v1 (m/2) v1f (m/s) v2f (m/s) Pi Pi = m1vi1+ m2 vi2 Pf = m1vf1 + m2 vf2 Kei = .5m1vi1 + .v5m2vi2 0.495 0.322 0.321 319.6722 484.78 122.6228 77.96833 0.506 0.343 0.342 323.0093 516.4291 128.1332 88.48103 0.497 0.317 0.318 336.2746 478.2569 123.6157 75.8842 0.499 0.312 0.312 352.9982 470.2152 124.6126 73.35357 ΔP = Pf-Pi 0.323 0.211 0.208 367.6309 316.4795 52.21145 33.23065 115.4745216 0.486 0.31 0.308 339.917 466.1886 118.2043 72.10332 ΔKE = KEf-KEi average 339.917 455.3916 111.5667 70.17019 -41.39646683 Inelastic Light Int. regular car (g) 1003.8 plunger car (g) 503.3 v1 (m/2) v1f (m/s) v2f (m/s) Pi Pi = m1vi1+ m2 vi2 Pf = m1vf1 + m2 vf2 Kei = .5m1vi1 + .v5m2vi2 0.575 0.181 0.181 480.8526 272.7851 83.20178 24.68705 0.589 0.172 0.163 506.4235 250.187 87.30267 20.77979 0.555 0.179 0.183 534.182 273.7861 77.51449 24.87125 0.563 0.186 0.186 573.035 280.3206 79.76525 26.06982 ΔP = Pf-Pi 0.367 0.115 0.113 619.6586 171.3089 33.89449 9.736832 -289.887818 0.574 0.178 0.179 542.8304 269.2676 82.91264 24.05466 ΔKE = KEf-KEi average 542.8304 252.9426 74.09855 21.6999 -52.3986526 For the inelastic collision the change in kinetic energy is much larger then it was in elastic collision. This holds true for the other all three methods used. Table 3. Explosive Collision Data Explosive Equal regular car (g) 506.2 plunger car (g) 503.3 v1 (m/2) v1f (m/s) v2f (m/s) Pi = m1vi1+ m2 vi2 Pf = m1vf1 + m2 vf2 Kei = .5m1vi1 + .v5m2vi2 Kef= .5m1vf1 + .v5m2vf2 0 0.482 0.503 0 497.2092 0 122.4709 0 0.448 0.471 0 463.8986 0 106.6245 0 0.489 0.512 0 505.2881 0 126.4901 0 0.438 0.469 0 457.8532 0 103.9089 ΔP = Pf-Pi 0 0.478 0.492 0 489.6278 0 118.7447 488.0378833 0 0.506 0.513 0 514.3504 0 131.0292 ΔKE = KEf-KEi average 0 488.0379 0 118.2114 118.2113751 Explosive- Unequal regular car (g) 506.2 plunger car (g) 1000.9 v1 (m/2) v1f (m/s) v2f (m/s) Pi = m1vi1+ m2 vi2 Pf = m1vf1 + m2 vf2 Kei = .5m1vi1 + .v5m2vi2 Kef= .5m1vf1 + .v5m2vf2 0 0.297 0.615 0 608.5803 0 139.8729 0 0.34 0.618 0 653.1376 0 154.517 0 0.292 0.619 0 605.6006 0 139.6484 0 0.307 0.633 0 627.7009 0 148.5813 ΔP = Pf-Pi 0 0.276 0.574 0 566.8072 0 121.5127 599.3574667 0 0.24 0.581 0 534.3182 0 114.2626 ΔKE = KEf-KEi average 0 599.3575 0 136.3992 136.399151 For the explosive collision the change in momentum is much larger than in the other two collisions. There is no initial momentum for this collision since the two carts started together at rest. Conclusion From momentum and the kinetic energies calculated from the formulas the different trails were averaged to find the initial and final momentum and kinetic energy for each of the eight conditions. They the change in momentum of the system was calculated for the system by subtracting the final momentum minus the initial momentum. This was then done for kinetic energy to find the change in kinetic energy by subtracting final minus initial as well. This produced different values for the different conditions. For the elastic collision the momentum and kinetic energy are supposed to be conserved. As table 1 shows, the momentum and kinetic energy for the equal mass carts is very close to zero, much closer than for the other conditions. For the heavier plunger cart, the initial force had much more inertia and caused the lighter second car to move much further. This is opposite in the other conditions where the plunger cart was much light. It had a harder time moving the second heavier cart. The main difference for the change in momentum and kinetic energy for the two unequal mass cart conditions was due to the fact the final velocity for cart one was never measured properly. It was assumed that the velocity was zero when in fact the plunger cart moved slightly after the collision. The assumption was due to careless human error. For the inelastic collision kinetic energy is not conserved. This is evident very much in the results for the change in kinetic energy. There is a much larger value or this change then in the elastic counterpart since the carts stick together and move as one unit. This close interaction allows for the loss of energy as heat. As for the explosive collision, the change in momentum is by far the largest. Since the system start at rest it is entirely potential energy. When the collision happened the carts move apart and become kinetic energy. Since the final momentum is subtracted by an initial momentum of zero, it is obvious why the change is so large.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Virtual Neighborhood and Its Social Implications :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

The Virtual Neighborhood and Its Social Implications My own feelings about the "virtual neighborhood" fall somewhere in between those of Jim Dewer and David Noble. I will very briefly make an attempt to sketch out some boundary lines and find myself therein. I distinguish two sides of the issue. One is the concept itself and the other is the proposed list of uses. Admittedly, the two of these are related. The Concept First of all, the "virtual neighborhood" is no real neighborhood and we need to avoid being unduly convinced by a metaphor which is just that, a metaphor, of limited use. A "virtual promise" is no real promise. A "virtual promise" does not hold up in court where contracts have to be demonstrable, e.g., in writing. The word 'virtual' means something idealized by projection and not actualized. Calling the Internet a "virtual neighborhood" is making a claim that we can re-create a familiar experience by projection into an enormous "ideal" electronic experience. Second, let us not forget to check to see whether a metaphor is appropriate. Just because it is a metaphor is no reason to believe it is a useful metaphor --- that is, a "noble falsehood." Does the idea of a virtual neighborhood have some nobility? If we stretch the neighborhood all the way around the world, what features of it can we justifiably expect to carry over into the virtual reality of the metaphor? And what won't stretch? Clearly, actual visualization, moment-by-moment multiple perception, and direction recognition/identification -- essential features of truly human contact -- don't stretch across this medium. We don't get to watch a person's "body language." Is the person uneasy? Confident? Intimacy is something that also belongs to most neighborhoods but doesn't travel well. For one thing, the network is too narrow a channel and it's set up for too much speed. Neighborhoods develop because we watch each other's kids grow up and we borrow each other's lawn mowers. And finally, I do not believe that commitment is something we'll find in the virtual neighborhood. When my virtual neighbor's URL burns down, will I be there with my bucket of fiberoptic? A neighborhood is something complex, something rich. Saying that we can re-create a neighborhood virtually across incredible distances and through a very limited medium has to be, in some real sense, very audacious. This is especially the case, I think, when we claim that intimacy can move without alteration across this medium.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Group Communication Memo Essay

The current management team has prepared this memo to assist you in your new position with the company. We understand that you have limited experience in group formation and communication, and these skills will prove vital in your new position. We would like to share some fundamental information on group learning and communication along with experiences we have encountered collectively. Combine this information with your own group learning experiences and you will increase your success with the organization. In our organization we work with others in teams to complete tasks and solve issues that might arise. On occasion it will be necessary to ask people to be part of the group or to form a new group to address topics and issues. This will help you in understanding how teams come together and work as one unit. When people are asked to form a group, the first stage they experience is the forming stage. In this stage people come together and expectations and the purpose of the group is clouded in uncertainty. No one is really considered the leader of the group at this point. Behavior is greatly observed between team members to determine what is acceptable. This stage will be relatively short because soon the group will begin to function and devise ideas and suggestion for attacking the problem or task. Storming is the next stage the team will experience. This stage does cause some conflict within the team because there is no real chosen leader. In this stage the members of the team will accept the group and start to function within the team. However, the members of the team will show some resistance because groups or teams limit individuality and require unity to work efficiently. Within a short period of time there will be a leadership established with in the group and the members of the team will follow the chosen spokesperson. The third subsequent step in the group development process is the norming stage when the group begins to solidify. At this point the group will have established some acceptable standards of behaviors or â€Å"norms†. Once the group has established these norms, certain barriers can be eliminated. Groups can now focus more on collectively carrying out goals and less on establishing parameters for the group. These norms will now establish expectations of group behavior. At this point in the process, group structure has been established and accepted, and the group may begin focusing on performing which is the fourth step in group development. This is the point of action where organizational goals are carried out and performance is evaluated. From personal group experience we agree that during this stage it is imperative that groups have the tools necessary to complete their tasks. If teams are not distracted by trivial conflicts that can be easily remedied, then they will be able to maintain creativity and focus. The fifth and final step in group development is the adjourning stage. Depending on the purpose of the group and time span of the group, this stage will vary. Some groups form for the purpose of completing short-term tasks, while others carry out long-term initiatives. Regardless of the time frame, groups should be commended on their areas of success and constructively identify areas that need improvement. It is our experience that different individuals can be grouped together on several different tasks. If the adjourning stage is handled properly, these individuals will carry a good attitude and level of camaraderie into their next group project. (Daynette’s part discussing barriers of communication insert here) As you can see there are many barriers that face group communication, however, there are always ways to overcome those barriers. One barrier that is easy to overcome is premature evaluation of ideas. We believe the best way of overcoming this is by using the nominal-group technique. This technique does not utilize verbal idea sharing but rather every group member brainstorms and writes down their ideas, then goes around and shares them. By proceeding this way it stops anyone from ridiculing an idea and lets everyone’s ideas be heard so no one feels like they had a dumb idea and stops sharing with the group. You want to create a climate of freedom, by having more ideas in the open, the better chance you have of getting the best conclusion. Another barrier previously mentioned was poor physical surrounding. The best way to overcome this is to find a meeting location that works well for everyone. Make sure it is quiet like in a library, not in an apartment with noisy roommates or younger brothers and sisters. Make sure there are lots of lights, comfy chairs, and plenty of table space to work on the project. If you are uncomfortable you will be thinking about that the whole time instead of focusing on the group problem at hand. A third barrier to group communication was there being too many people. By having too many people, this makes the group less creative by not having every group member able to share their ideas. This can also cause social loafing where some members sit back and let everyone else do the work while they still get the credit. A good way to overcome this is by splitting the larger group into smaller groups and by either giving them the same topic to see all the different ways each group comes up with or splitting the topics if there is a lot to get done. This works well because you can draw in group members who are less talkative or shy in large group settings, thus creating more ideas. Another barrier is always not having enough time. No matter how far ahead you plan on any project there never seems like there is enough time to complete it. It is known that it takes a group a lot longer to work on a project than it does an individual because you have to comply with the group norms and rules. Here the only real thing you can do is to make sure you get down to business and split up the group work as soon as possible so that each member can get started. Also, make sure to finish everything a few days ahead so that way if someone is running behind you all have time to go back and fix any issues or to make sure it is all complete on time. Lastly, â€Å"stinking thinking† should try to be avoided when evaluating ideas. Try not to jump on other people’s ideas when they come up with them and wait till they are all heard. Use positive enforcement like â€Å"great idea but let’s here all of the other ideas first then we can go back and look at each one.† With every barrier that comes up there is always a better way to overcome it so that it doesn’t offend another group member. Remember teams only work well if all participants are on the same page. We have provided you with these tools and experiences for you to draw from when needed. When starting a new team or group it may be beneficial for all team members to review this memo prior to starting a new project. This will allow the team to start to understand why conflicts may arise and where to start in resolving these conflicts. We have great confidence in your ability to be a great leader and look forward to the success that your team will provide for our company in the future.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on An Analysis Of The 2001 Recession

An Economic Analysis of the 2001-2002 Recession The recession is commonly defined as â€Å"Two or more consecutive quarters of a shrinking economy.† During the month of March 2001, the world’s largest economy - The United States of America - began experiencing a downturn, leading into a recession. (â€Å"Economists call it recession†). In comparing previous recessions that occurred, it appears that similar patterns exist also in the 2001-2002 recession. Such patterns start with increasing interest rates by the Federal Reserve Open Committee, proceeded by growth slowdowns, the fall of real output, and eventually the rise in unemployment. According to Robert E. Scott and Christian Weller, â€Å"further increases in real short - term interest rates herald a slowdown.† Further evidence that suggests a recession was on the horizon was information released from the National Bureau of Economic Research that states, â€Å"A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession.†(The B usiness Cycle Peak, March 2001.) During an expansion, however the economy is experiencing normalcy, and during this period the economy is between a trough and peak. The National Bureau of Economic Research, however, defines a recession as, â€Å" a significant decline in activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, visible in industrial production, employment, real income and the wholesale-retail trade.† (the Business Cycle Peak.) Therefore, when a peak date was determined in March 2001 it marked the end of an expansion that began in March 1991, and hence the beginning of a recession. This marked the end of the longest economic expansion that lasted ten years of rising incomes and employment. Because the longest economic expansion came to an end this led to lower incomes and higher unemployment rates. Employers thus required fewer employees which leads to fewer employed people and a higher unemployment rate. Recessio... Free Essays on An Analysis Of The 2001 Recession Free Essays on An Analysis Of The 2001 Recession An Economic Analysis of the 2001-2002 Recession The recession is commonly defined as â€Å"Two or more consecutive quarters of a shrinking economy.† During the month of March 2001, the world’s largest economy - The United States of America - began experiencing a downturn, leading into a recession. (â€Å"Economists call it recession†). In comparing previous recessions that occurred, it appears that similar patterns exist also in the 2001-2002 recession. Such patterns start with increasing interest rates by the Federal Reserve Open Committee, proceeded by growth slowdowns, the fall of real output, and eventually the rise in unemployment. According to Robert E. Scott and Christian Weller, â€Å"further increases in real short - term interest rates herald a slowdown.† Further evidence that suggests a recession was on the horizon was information released from the National Bureau of Economic Research that states, â€Å"A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession.†(The B usiness Cycle Peak, March 2001.) During an expansion, however the economy is experiencing normalcy, and during this period the economy is between a trough and peak. The National Bureau of Economic Research, however, defines a recession as, â€Å" a significant decline in activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, visible in industrial production, employment, real income and the wholesale-retail trade.† (the Business Cycle Peak.) Therefore, when a peak date was determined in March 2001 it marked the end of an expansion that began in March 1991, and hence the beginning of a recession. This marked the end of the longest economic expansion that lasted ten years of rising incomes and employment. Because the longest economic expansion came to an end this led to lower incomes and higher unemployment rates. Employers thus required fewer employees which leads to fewer employed people and a higher unemployment rate. Recessio...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The outsiders Essays

The outsiders Essays The outsiders Essay The outsiders Essay Essay Topic: The Outsiders Epilogue For The Outsiders How do you feel Johnny, your flirts sunset up close and personal? I asked him Its amazing Dad! I love it. We continued staring into the radiant beams of the sun until Johnny popped the question I was dreading all those years. Dad? Yes son? I answered, knowing what he was going to ask. How did I get my name? took a long sigh. l had a friend when I was a bit older than you, his name was Johnny, an amazing friend to have who didnt deserve to leave my friends and I. I said, tears swelling In my eyes Dad, are you crying? Im fine dont worry about me I said blinking back the tears. Oh k Dad, your friend Johnny sounded like a great friend to have, what happened to him? Perhaps I should show you Johnny, come on lets go. We arrived at the local cemetery with Johnny In my hand and the cold frosty air of winter blowing across the tall-untreated grass. This place is giving me the creeps Dad, can we go now Johnny requested No come on son we have to go visit Johnn y and show our love for him. We kept walking in silence and noticed a red flower hiding under the blades of grass. I grabbed It and it suddenly reminded me of the red of cherries Cherry Valance. We finally reached the tombstones of Johnny Cede and beside him, Dally Winston. Johnny Cede 1950-1966 Dallas Winston 1949-1966 placed the flower between the two graves and stood there In silence, and then I told Johnny the story. Johnny always got beat up by his parents and rich kids, he never felt safe and always wanted to die. One day we were face to face with some rich kids and one of their names was Bob. We started verbally fighting each other when Bob grabbed me by he head and was attempting to drown me in a fountain. At that point I was so scared, I was afraid and actually thought I was going to die not experiencing love, traveling around the world and having you Johnny. I was sobbing at this point. Johnny was the reason I am soul alive right now. He saved me, he was the one who killed Bob. We had to flee and luckily Dally knew a place we could hide from the cops. We traveled by train to a Church in Windmills, where things took a turn for the worst. Johnny was about to own up and face the cops when we passed the church we dated In. It was burning. Johnny and I looked at each other and we knew we had to save them. I made it but he didnt He broke his back and died a slow death. He wrote a letter to me and said Stay gold Pony, Its a great way to I stopped; I looked at my beautiful son, Blonde hair and blue eyes. Then I thought of the way I digger sunsets, watching movies by myself and at that moment I truly understood what Johnny was trying to tell not only me, but Dally too. I smiled. Come on Johnny, lets go home.

Monday, November 4, 2019

An Analytical Response to Billions Over Baghdad Essay

An Analytical Response to Billions Over Baghdad - Essay Example Everyone has waited for the smoke to clear, and viola, the rats–the Coalition Provisional Authority (C.P.A.) that is–have to do some explaining, and if possible some serious accounting. The tone varies from being argumentative and provoking. It has also galvanized someone else’s belief that indeed there is corruption and that the US government â€Å"cares only about ensuring that an accounting does not occur.† The level of discourse is already appropriate to young adults. The only problem it posed is the nature of the issue. Although â€Å"Billions over Baghdad† is good to be read, the issue does not appeal well to the majority of the adolescents except to those interested in listening intrigues. The issue never went to center stage except for some congressional hearings and immediately after the series of hearings it all gone like nothing happened. Another setback is the quantity and quality of details. The authors, however, can’t be faulted in the lack of details because a controversy like this is so secretive that people inside refused to talk. Now the hanging inquiries left by the authors dwell on the certainty of accounting the lost $9 billion out of the $12 billion shipped from Federal Reserve to Baghdad and how it vanished so quickly. It also made ourselves ask why the people in Department of Defense and C.P.A. are so unwilling to talk about the unaccounted $9 Billion. The claim of the author is that the people behind the C.P.A. and even the Department of Defense had allowed all the circumstances for the cesspool to propagate. Consequently, the Department of Defense hasn’t shown any determination to resolve the scandal. The secretary of Defense is reluctant to clear the matter and C.P.A. administrator L. Paul Bremer III has also decided to let go of the contractors who profited. All the Department of Defense has done is to shrug it off. The author is correct in pointing out that the situation is indeed odd . With the way how the administration handled the scandal and its jaded effort to put the responsible behind bars, the C.P.A. mess might not be proven under court proceedings. Another claim rightfully pointed out by the author is the existence of widespread corruption. They pointed out that opportunity of corruption exists everywhere from earning kickbacks, having ghost employees and bloating the charge even for daily meals. They also pointed out the widespread mismanagement and the failure to exercise command responsibility. It was very distressing when an army officer representing C.P.A. â€Å"had crossed out the original price and doubled it† after the hospital administrator signed the contract. Another was what Frank Willis has encountered during his stint as a senior adviser to the Iraqi transportation ministry. â€Å"The neat bundles of cash looked almost like play money and the temptation to handle them was irresistible,† Willis said when he returned to his offi ce to find â€Å"piles and piles of shrink-wrapped $100 bills stacked on a table† ( Good enough that the Billions over Baghdad has included the NorthStar and the Custer Battles in the frame to magnify more the claim that there are corruption and mismanagement. It was a diligent effort by Steele to uncover the shrouded NorthStar; and his effort have made it clear to everyone that the C.P.A. was never sincere in the way it discharged its duties and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Blogs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Blogs - Essay Example However, what we miss to realize is that those who fail to make a good impression does not necessarily translate to someone’s real potential at something. Just like today’s notion of a not so service-centric yet title focused notion of leadership, I would say that this diminishes the impact of leadership to people & society as a whole. What society misconstrues is that it looks at leadership closely based on what it is called, highlighting the role of being a â€Å"leader† instead of looking at it as a responsibility of being able to lead a group with different capacities, beliefs & personalities. With this said, I would say that the most effective leader is measured not only based on whether a certain goal is achieved but most importantly, how one imparted wisdom & helped each member of a team to perform significantly in a group. As it is said, it is not only the destination that counts, but also the journey where all the learning happens. The first clear shot each of us had on leadership would probably be in school when we are required to work in groups for a certain project. Though each of us have different experiences what is common to all would be the fact that in the real world, some people would have to take on the role of a leader while others as followers. Though a lot of us still have not learned to appreciate the beauty of a follower’s role, one of the things that we might miss from focusing too much on taking the role of a leader would be the fact that being a follower intensely shapes one’s character more than being a leader. Why? Well, first of all, being a follower which is invisibly looked down on in society would teach one to be humble especially when one gets his or her first run on obedience. Aside from which, what makes it even harder would be when you encounter a situation where your adrenaline knows deep down that your idea is better than what is being presented but you have to submit just because